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Joanna Zakrzewska Ledóchowska




Professor Joanna M. Zakrzewska

Consultant/Honorary Professor of Facial Pain in Relation to Oral Medicine

lecturingRoyal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals, Oral Medicine Department and
National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery
Pain Management Centre,
UCLH NHS Foundation Trust London

Honorary Professor, UCL

Co-Founder of the Trigeminal Neuralgia Institute in 2022
Co-Founder of the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association in 1999

After obtaining dental (Kings College London) and medical (University of Cambridge) degrees and specialist training in oral medicine, Joanna Zakrzewska went on to specialize in orofacial pain, becoming the first non anaesthetist fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine.  Her MD on trigeminal neuralgia led to further clinical research in this field.  She spent ten years as an academic at Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, where she was awarded a personal chair in facial pain.

In April 2007 Joanna Zakrzewska moved to a NHS post at Eastman Dental Hospital, University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust, London, where she is Hon Professor and Consultant.  Here she established the first large award-winning UK multi-disciplinary facial pain service. 

Joanna has written six books on orofacial pain, contributed to 30 chapters and published over 200 peer reviewed papers. She has given over 100 invited lectures in 30 countries as well as over 90 national ones.  In 2019 named world expert in the field of trigeminal neuralgia by Expertscape and acknowledged by Zhu et al. in Frontiers of Neurology as the most cited author in this field.  

After founding the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK ("TNA") with a patient in 1999 Joanna made a key contribution to its subsequent growth as mentioned under her advisory roles.

Regarded as a key opinion leader.TN Inst from Ania

In 2022 Joanna co-founded the Trigeminal Neuralgia Institute ("TN Institute") in order to improve the knowlege and management of trigeminal neuralgia nationally, working in parallel with the TNA, which focusses on patient support.  For more information on the TN Institute click here.

Tomes Medal



Professor Zakrzewska receiving the Charles Tomes Medal from the Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of RCS England, Professor Michael Escudier, after delivering the Charles Tomes Lecture at the Royal College of Surgeons on 14th March 2019.






For Joanna's official UCL webpage click here.

ORCID number 0000-0001-7805-5851.

Email: J.Zakrzewska@ucl.ac.uk or joanna@ledochowski.eu





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