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Chris Ledóchowski




Chris Ledochowski -
a Social Documentary Photographer

Chris majored in Photography at the Michaelis School of Fine Art in Cape Town. He joined Afrapix in the early 1980s and contributed to numerous anti-apartheid exhibitions and publications.   He dedicated much of his time to documenting the ongoing struggles and strife in the township communities, and the formation and development of the Congress of South Africa Trade Unions and related organizations in the Cape.

MandelaChris' famous photograph of Mandela delivering his first public speech at Grand Parade in Cape Town after his release has become an icon of the fall of Apartheid.

Chris’ longstanding experience and relationship with the Cape Flats communities drew him to documenting the rich creative and cultural expressions found in these townships. The long-term colour photographic project culminated in a book publication and exhibition Cape Flats Details, exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 2003.

MadrassaMuslim children arriving for Madrassa, Hanover Park Township, Cape Town 1990.

Click here for Chris' biography and
here for his exhibitions and productions.



Chris' e Photo book Dialogues was published in 2021 and can be seen here

It was followed by a printed limited edition.



Chris1Chris is currently finalising a book publication, Return to Nthabalala, based on his 30 year project on the Ledochowski family's then domestic employee, a migrant worker from Venda, Limpopo.

Chris' work has been widely acclaimed and has been displayed at many national and international exhibitions.

HealersXhosa traditional healers' initiation ceremony, Guguletu, Cape Town 1997


Information on living family members will be included in this website only if submitted or approved by them. Informacja o żyjących członkach rodziny może zostać umieszczona na tych stronach jedynie w wypadku gdy dana osoba wyrazi zgodę. Jan Ledóchowski