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Jan Ledóchowski



Inka Reviews

"A Stunning Film" -
The Polish Weekly, London 19.2.2012

"...Based on the shocking story of Danuta Siedzikówna, codenamed "Inka", a nurse of the Fifth Wilno Brigade, who was shot in Gdańsk jail in 1946. ....The film kept us in suspense.....

"Alicja Kłosok performed very well in the difficult role of Inka. The Director chose her well.....Marcio Mrozek played the role of Major Unicorn.....The scene when the Englishwoman Kit Adshead played the grandmother receiving news from Inka was particularly good...Ludomir Lasocki was very convincing as the SubLieutenant Sawicki and Grzegorz Minor made an interesting character out of the soldier fighting on the communist side.... Father Józef Gula of St John the Evangelist Church in Putney played the older Father Marian Prusak. ..without whom we might never have known what happened to Inka...

" As the film is made in English with Polish subtitles it is easy for Poles to show their English spouses and friends, or children of mixed parentage, who often speak better English than Polish...They should be encouraged to see it...Teenagers should find it an easy way of absorbing Polish history and should identify with another teenager like Inka.

"Many bravos to Jan Ledóchowski for taking up such a challenge....The film ends with memorials in Poland...."Glory to those who died fighting an inhuman power, for Polish independence, the Catholic faith and the freedom of man."

"Tears of emotion" -
The Polish Voice, London 01.03.2012

Teresa Ciecierska, Head of the Polish Scouts outside Poland:"...I am proud of the Scouts...Each came out very well in their role..."

Jurek Byczyński: "I am very impressed. As a result of this film, it is easier for me to imagine what would have happened if I had been faced with the dilemmas that faced Inka...Your life or that of your colleagues...I think it is an excellent achievement by the director...I am glad there still are people who fight for the historical truth....It is very important that other people also understand how communism treated the Poles..."

Agnieszka Żebrowska: "Tears of emotion. Inka was an authentic, real person, a heroine....."

Barbara Kowalska: "I am very impressed. I cried. It is very good that Jan Ledóchowski had this idea and created the film. He took on a very difficult subject."


Polish Girl Guides' Magazine
"The Little Knot", London April 2012

A film about heroism and honour - how to pass a difficult period of Polish history on to the young.

An extraordinary film about an extraordinary girl.

...1945, the end of the Second World War, joyously acclaimed in many countries, did not bring joy to Poles, left to the murderous "care" of the Soviet Union....In Poland, after five years of Hitler's violence and the tragic ending of the Warsaw Rising, people tried to adapt to the new reality. But not all. Some did not want to; some tried to continue fighting - against the Polish communists taking power. It was a heroic fight, doomed to fail. The new Polish communist authorities cruelly and ruthlessly punished not only those who were still fighting but also those who had previously fought the Germans in the Resistance (the Polish Home Army). For a long time this was not mentioned in Poland - the so-called "cursed soldiers" were destined to be forgotten.....

This stunning film is inspired by the true story of Danuta, a 17 year old girl falsely accused of murdering a policeman and shot in jail in Gdańsk in 1946. Despite being threatened with torture and death she had given nothing away about her colleagues and commanders in the Resistance....The dialogues are in English to help English-speakers.

Jan is willing to show this film in other places. Email him on JanLedochowski@yahoo.co.uk. IT'S WORTH IT!



Inka film

Inka - Recenzje

"Wstrząsający film" -
Tydzień Polski, Londyn 19.2.2012

Kliknij artykuł:

T Polski 20120219


"Łzy wzruszenia" -
Głos Polski, Londyn, 01.03.2012

Glos Polski


Wez cover

Wez p5Wez p6





Inka film

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