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Jan Ledóchowski



Première - 5 February 2012

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The Première showings of Inka and the documentary film about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Polish Saturday School were on Sunday afternoon, 5th February, 2012. The proceeds of the 16.00 showing were for Medical Aid for Poland and of the 18.30 showing were for the costs of the film. The Polish Consul General Mr Ireneusz Truszkowski and the Chair of Medical Aid Dr Bożena Laskiewicz gave thank you presents from Jan Ledóchowski for the lead actors. Other guests included Anna Sabbat, wife of the penultimate Polish President-in-Exile, Olgierd Lalko, President of POSK, and Teresa Ciecierska, Head of the Polish Scouting Movement outside Poland.


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Photos by Krystyna Ledóchowska

Inka film



Premiera - 5 lutego 2012

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Zdjęcia: Krystyna Ledóchowska

Inka film



Information on living family members will be included in this website only if submitted or approved by them. Informacja o żyjących członkach rodziny może zostać umieszczona na tych stronach jedynie w wypadku gdy dana osoba wyrazi zgodę. Jan Ledóchowski