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Jan Ledóchowski



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To order the book and DVD online in Poland:
click here for the Mayfly internet shop

"Jan Ledóchowski has done something unprecedented"
Kurier Warszawski

"The film is definitely worth seeing" Puls Biznesu

Uncles & Others -

Jan Ledóchowski's Uncles & Others tell how their lives in Country Houses were changed forever by the Second World War. They had very different careers afterwards.

ZbydniowThe Horodyńskis were massacred by the SS at a wedding party at their home, Zbydniów, on Midsummer Night, 1943.

After the horrors of the Second World War came the nightmare of the NKVD (later known as the KGB) and Stalinism. Landowners were class enemies.

Maciej bookMaciej "Matt" Morawski went to Paris, where his father Kajetan Morawski, a former Minister, was Ambassador of the Polish Government-in-Exile.

Matt became a journalist and worked for Radio Free Europe, broadcasting the truth about communism back to his compatriots in Poland.


Anna PLubomirski

Countess Potocka (left), arrested by the NKVD (later KGB).

Prince Zdzisław Lubomirski (right), appointed Regent of Poland in 1917, declared Independence in October 1918.

KajetanKajetan Morawski, Head of Foreign Ministry in 1926, and Deputy Treasury Minister 1938-39, went with the Polish Government-in-Exile to Angers, France, and then to London. Ambassador to de Gaulle in Algiers from 1943. Remained as Exile Ambassador to Paris after the Communist take-over of Poland in 1945.


A controversial film, shown several times in London and Warsaw, and also in Białystok, Gdańsk, Kraków, Paris, Poznań, Supraśl, Wrocław and Zielona Góra.

To hear people who saw the London premiere click here

"Two journalists who worked for directly opposing powers"
Polska The Times

"A documentary that one watches in suspense, like a feature film, until the last scene"  The Polish Daily

"This is Poland" Gazeta Wyborcza
(Poland's widest circulation newspaper)

"Traitors & Decadent Landowners"

The Morawski home at Little Village was a refuge for family from all over Poland. A Jewish Senator hid there throughout the War.

Mala WiesLittle Village was confiscated by the communist regime afterwards and used as the country residence of Prime Ministers.

Jan's relatives relive the Warsaw Rising, Poland's tragic and disastrous bid for independence from Stalin, during which 22-year old Magda was killed at the barricades.

AggioJaruBranded as "traitors and decadent landowners" after the War, everyone had to find new lives.

Kazimierz "Aggio" Morawski stayed in Poland. He became a senior politician, worked closely with Communist leaders Edward Gierek and General Jaruzelski, and visited Moscow.



Jan Lityński (left), Solidarity hero, arrested and interned several times in the struggle against communism.

Dominik Horodyński (right), Editor-in-Chief, Kultura, Warsaw.

JurkowoJurkowo, Kajetan's Estate near Poznań, is still in state hands. There are Council flats for 14 families.


English subtitles. Violent scene.

Introduction by Jan Ledóchowski

Historical background

Emails and reviews

W języku polskim

Information on living family members will be included in this website only if submitted or approved by them. Informacja o żyjących członkach rodziny może zostać umieszczona na tych stronach jedynie w wypadku gdy dana osoba wyrazi zgodę. Jan Ledóchowski