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Jan Ledóchowski




The Meaning of Brexit

by Jan Ledóchowski, before the 2019 UK general election

Opinion polls tell us that Boris, helped by Corbyn's extreme political programme, is headed for victory in the general elections next week.  In that event Boris will rule for several more years and presumably deliver the Brexit project that he brought about, and which forms the core of his party’s election campaign.  Some friends keep asking, why does this matter to me?  So I summarise what the Brexit project means, and conclude with its human cost.


The Aims of Brexit

●  Stop the UK’s already very reluctant contributions of around £4 billion net per annum to the EU’s regional funds, which go mostly to the poorer Southern and Eastern member countries, such as the ones I particularly love, Poland, Greece and Portugal.  The UK was a net contributor being, as Brexiteers are fond of pointing out, one of the richer members.

● Stop the rest of the UK’s reluctant contribution, around another £4 billion net pa, which includes the cost of running the single market and structural funds such as agricultural production in the UK and EU, which keeps our farmers going and gives the UK a closer and more reliable source of food in the event of trade disruption.  

●  Keep full access, known as “frictionless trade”, to the EU single market and all its benefits, partly invented by Margaret Thatcher.  So the stronger parts of the UK economy, such as finance, services, British Aerospace, Japanese and other foreign owned manufacturing plants, can continue freely making hundreds of billions more there than these contributions.

●  End the right of EU citizens to come and work in the UK’s businesses exporting to their countries.  Let us sell to your single market, but you can’t come and work here.

●  Sign free trade deals with “all those countries” with which the UK does not already have free trade deals via the EU.  This list has been getting shorter and now seems mainly to consist of the USA, which Trump happily declares, truthfully for a change, to be a competitor economy, and which has broken off trade negotiations with the EU. 

●  Do not mention that the EU is already negotiating a trade deal with the USA, and it is Trump who is stopping it.

●  So the UK would benefit from and compete with the EU.

●  With luck, even become a smuggling operation between the EU and the rest of the world?

●  This strategy of all take and no give was gleefully summarised by Boris as “having our cake and eating it”.

●  Abandon the UK’s earlier rather noble foreign policy of promoting expansion, and defending democratic standards and the rule of law in EU member states, particularly the newer post-Communist ones.   Leave that to France and Germany and criticise them at the same time.

●  Instead, persuade Eastern member countries that “Germany” is their true enemy, and use negotiations and diplomatic contacts to set EU members against each other.

●  Ensure that the UK has no legal or moral obligation to assist any member state such as Greece, should it ever again be flooded with a million refugees from the Syria that the West handed over to Russia in 2015.

●  Make no contribution to the EU’s funding of camps and other assistance for the refugees, such as that given to Turkey to stop refugees coming to Europe, or to Greece to cope with refugees today.

●  Work closely with Trump, who supports Brexit and has started a trade war against the EU.

●  Farage has repeatedly declared that the ultimate aim of Brexit is to destroy the EU.


Selling Brexit

The English people are largely nice, intelligent and tolerant.  The EU is perhaps the largest and most successful altruistic organisation that has ever existed.  It has preserved peace in our continent for an unprecedented seven decades and provides a counterweight to Russia and China.  Its aim is to create a large successful single economy comparable to America’s, which is why Trump hates it.   It has brought prosperity and a cleaner environment to member countries, not only in Eastern Europe, but also Germany and, of course the UK, which specialised as the financial centre of all Europe.   So how do you convince these decent people that the EU is in fact an ogre that Boris should be conducting a heroic fight against?  The answer is a steady drip of propaganda  which became a flood:-

●  Do not mention the regional funds.  Or, if you cannot avoid them being discussed, lie and pretend that they are so corrupt that they are useless, hoping that the audience does not visit poorer regions and see for themselves the enormous amount of good they do.

●  Do not mention agriculture unless absolutely necessary, as British farmers also benefit from agricultural funds and the ability to export to Europe.  They wouldn’t stand a chance exporting to the Third World without such subsidies.

●  Do not mention assistance the funds give to projects in the UK itself – rarely advertised.

●  Lie and pretend that the UK’s net contribution to the EU is unreasonably huge.  It isn’t.  It is very considerably smaller than the economic benefits of EU membership.

●  Do not mention that the UK pays out nearly twice as much, aboout £14 billion pa, in Overseas Aid, because this will suddenly make people realise that the contribution to the EU is relatively small.  This Aid incidentally goes to countries that do not give Britain the benefits of the single market, free trade, etc, is largely invisible at its destination, and is rumoured mostly to end up in dictators’ Swiss bank accounts.

●  Lie that the EU contribution is £350 million a week = £18bn pa, more than double the true figure.

●  Lie and pretend that membership of the EU harms the UK’s economy, when we can all see looking around us that it has been very beneficial.

●  Lie that the EU is undemocratic when it is actually very democratic: the Head of the EU, President of the EU Council, is elected by member states, the EU Council is elected, members of the Commission are appointed by member states and approved by parliament, laws need the approval of member states as well as parliament, and so forth.

●  Avoid any comparison with the UK, whose head of state is elected by nobody, whose House of Lords is elected by nobody, whose Prime Minister and Cabinet do not have to be approved by Parliament, and whose member states such as Scotland have no say at all.

●  No EU education at schools, keep people ignorant.

●  Lie that the EU Commission is a “bloated bureaucracy” when it has only 32,000 civil servants, the same as the number of employees of the City of Leeds, an amazingly SMALL number for an enormous single market economy of 500 million people, one of the biggest in the world.

●  Terrify England that it will sink under the weight of immigration caused by the EU.

●  Do not mention that immigration from non-EU countries, mostly Asian countries such as India and Pakistan, is and has always been significantly larger than from the EU.

●  To the extent that people notice that most immigration is in fact Asian, lie with propaganda such as the lying Breaking Point poster, implying that it is somehow the fault of the EU.  Have a close look at the Breaking Point poster on the right.  The people shown on it are not European are they?  The point of it was clear: terrify people into thinking that the EU is responsible for it and it is"uncontrolled".  The truth of course is that the EU is NOT reponsible for Asian immigration into the UK, this is already "controlled" by the UK and the EU has nothing to do with it.

●  In the meanwhile, to win Asian community votes, Brexiteers made targeted promises to increase Asian immigration and then did so - but didn't tell anyone else!

●  Recently Boris was still lying that the EU immigration he uses as a weapon in his campaign "to get Brexit done" is, "from memory", about equal to non-EU immigration, when in fact EU immigration is far smaller, with non-EU immigration of 229,000 representing over 80% of the total during the year to June 2019.

●  Lie that EU citizens are lengthening health service queues when in fact, representing 10% of doctors and only 4% of the population, they are shortening queues.

●  Lie that EU citizens are worsening the housing shortage when most observant people can see that many Poles and others come to build houses, reducing the shortage.

Article continued at top right





Fight Brexit

Mortificati● Europe should be united*
We should all work together.
● The European Union is the
best force for peace we have.
● Biggest market in world.
● Biggest exporter in world.
● Free trade agreements with 56 countries.
● The UK has been doing fine- "if it ain't broke don't fix it".

Brexit is a brutal project to divide us from Europe.
It will not benefit anyone and hasn't even started!

What Brexit means for you

● Pound still down 16% nine months after referendum.
● The biggest collapse in sterling for decades.
● More expensive imports = inflation = real incomes hit.
● More expensive holidays abroad.
● Not part of single market says Gove.
● Harder for your employers to export to Europe.
Brexshit● Exports also less competitive.
● Importing harder and more expensive.
● Financial services harder to export.
● Businesses already relocating to EU.
Business difficulties = fewer jobs*
● They also mean lower share prices.
● So pension fund values down.
● So pension fund deficits up.
● Pension fund deficits = pension threat.
● Bank of England interest rates down.
● That means annuity rates down.
● That means pensions down.
● Business, jobs & pensions hit = economic problems.
● Problems for the economy = tax revenue down.
● Government gets less money selling shares in banks.
● Cornwall, Wales, farmers etc, no longer get EU funds.
● They want you to pay instead.
● Government revenue down means budget deficit up.
● Government borrowing up maybe £30 billion a year.
● Borrowing up means pound down and taxes up.
● Borrowing up also brings inflation, job & other cuts
● Bank of England spends your £320 billion on rescue. 
● Costs more than our EU contribution for 50 years. **
Econist anarchy
● Longer health service queues without 130,000 EU staff.
● No right to visit, work & live in 27 European countries.
● NHS medical card for health services in Europe ended?
Research & university cooperation with Europe harmed.
● EU Erasmus student exchange programme ended?
● More hate = race crimes up = death threats & murder*

We want our future

Other countries a tad pissed off with yours include France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Greece, etc etc etc etc.


Why we have Brexit

If 0.95% of voters had chosed Remain rather than Brexit we would not have Brexit. But millions voted for Brexit because people called Brexiteers tell porkies.

"The economy will thrive under Brexit." Really? Wwhat happen to the millions who believed you?

● "I never said we would spend another £350 million a week on the NHS." Really?

Leave bus

"We must take back control of our taxes." Are you kidding? We are still in the EU and our own Parliament is still setting our taxes.

● The EU is sending us hundreds of thousands of Turks and Syrian refugees. Well it isn't, is it? We are still in the EU and where are all these Turks and refugees?

Syrian refugees

They Syrians are being bombed by Russia, which is also financing the French National Front and Trump.

"The EU is undemocratic." Rubbish - all EU countries elect their governments which in turn appoint top EU officials. We don't elect top British civil servants or the Secretary General of the United Nations either. Britain votes on EU decisions and has voted in favour of the vast majority over the years.

"A bloated bureaucracy." Rubbish - the EU commission has 33,000 employees, the same as the City of Leeds.

Boris Johnson has been lying about the EU ever since he was fired by The Times for inventing a quote in 1988. The day after the referendum he claimed "the pound is stable". Our Foreign Secretary is a proven liar and an international laughing stock*.

EU heartsBoJo Brexits


● Top law professor says Leave campaign was "criminally irresponsible". Lawyers have even asked whether under British law the Vote Leave campaign can be prosecuted for its lies.


Choose a Brexit Lie

Here are three different Brexit promises:-

Lies lies1. Brexiteer leaflets in Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu said that net non-EU immigration of nearly 200,000 a year (more than EU immigration) will increase.

Michael Gove said several times that total net immigration will be reduced to around 50,000.

3. David Hannan MEP, Boris Johnson and others said that net EU immigration will NOT be significantly reduced.

Decide which one or two of the above are lies. Maybe even all three? Enjoy.


"We have no plan"

Nobody votedYou guessed it. "We have no plan" is possibly the only true statement the Brexiteers ever made.*

But they waited until after the EU referendum to say it.

You wonder why?




Churchill & Clarkson

"We hope to reach again a Europe united...in which men will be proud to say 'I am a European'....We hope that wherever we go in this wide domain, they will truly feel 'Here I am at home.'"
Winston Churchill, Amsterdam, 9 May 1948

"Our only hope is a second vote...Better to look silly for a bit than to live for ever in a festering nest of of warts, mud and minority-bashing."
Jeremy Clarkson, London Sunday Times, 3 July 2016

Flags united

The European, English and Polish flags united.*




MourningOn 12th December, Remain parties got 52% of the vote, but due to vote splitting
Boris won the election on the slogans "Get Brexit done"
and "Keep Corbyn out".

Selling Brexit (cont'd)

●  Denigrate everything the EU is trying to do to clean the environment and combat global warming.

●  Hide evidence of Russian financing and interference, and do not publish security service investigations into it.

●  Keep quiet about the three years Dominic Cummings, Boris' campaign adviser, spent in Russia, where he learnt how populism, xenophobia and totalitarianism operate.

●  Smugly pretend that Syrian refugees escaping to Greece is the fault of the EU, denigrate the help Greece receives from the EU, and gloss over the complete absence of help from the UK (or Poland).

Selling Boris

The tabloid press had been attacking the EU as a kind of national sport for years when the Daily Telegraph hired Boris Johnson, known for having invented quotations by EU representatives, to launch an even greater campaign of disinformation and deceit.  Now we come to the classic populist trick: find a conflict, become a national hero fighting it and win subsequent elections and referenda.  In the case of Margaret Thatcher, I suspect she can hardly be blamed for the Argentinian attack on the Falklands, but the subsequent victory benefited her politically.  Blair and Bush tried a repeat with Iraq, but they were less lucky: they “won” but it soon became clear that there were no weapons of mass destruction.  Bush’s victory celebration on an aircraft carrier was of little use to him, and we are still living in the aftermath of an unnecessary war.

The lesson that conflict can win elections has nevertheless been learnt and Boris has been using his unscrupulous charisma to lead the Brexiteers in an invented struggle against Europe in which they cast themselves as posturing national heroes.  Slogans such as the Dunkirk Spirit, Fascists, Gauleiters, Stalinists, Lest We Forget and the British Lion Roars make the point for anyone who misses the message.

Economic Effects

Brexiteers focus on selfishness and promise that  the UK will be better off.  Unlikely.  Exports will not be boosted much as the EU has become the largest exporter in the world by being already well structured for exporting.  Britain blocked a EU free trade agreement with India because it feared Indians would get too many visas.  Perhaps it will sign one now after all.   But Indians point out that they also drive on the left and think Nissans and Toyotas assembled there with negligible labour costs will flow to the UK.  They also look forward to more visas.  For Brexitain with its higher labour costs to achieve a net flow of Nissans and Toyotas to India will be like getting water to flow uphill, defying gravity.

One of the very few countries with which the UK actually has a trade surplus is the US and whether their negotiators will allow it to be increased further remains to be seen.  Trump has an irrational hatred of counties with net exports to the US.  It is quite possible that American banks will do extremely well in the UK, as will private health companies.  Leaving the European just-in-time ("JIT") economy to join the American just-in-time economy will not be easy as transporting industrial goods across the Atlantic is slow by ship and expensive by air.  Americans will make a lot of profits, but it may be mostly one sided.

As Boris is also lying about what kind of Brexit he is actually planning to deliver, one cannot calculate the economic effects precisely except to say that the more it damages EU trade, which represents around half the total, the more it will weaken the UK.   There is a lot of Bertie Wooster like confidence around that foreigners are stupid and the EU will be outmanoeuvred in the negotiations.  Unlikely.  Barnier has done very well so far.  Perhaps, like Switzerland, the UK will effectively stay in the EU, its pre-eminent financial position being gradually eroded, and without a vote.

If the EU negotiates well, this will be laughed off as the work of the devilish French, fascist Germans and shifty post-Communist Eastern Europeans.  For the narrative of a national hero fighting a huge unnecessary battle against the EU this will be fine because provided people in the UK are still alive afterwards Boris will still declare victory. 

The Human Cost

Millions of people have remained impervious to Brexit propaganda, and my loyalty and love is to them.   I remember fine people in the Foreign Office and their great support for Europe when I helped to make it a better place.  A splendid example of a decent diplomat appears to be Alexandra Hall, the lead Brexit envoy in the British Embassy in Washington, who has just resigned because she was dismayed by demands on civil servants to deliver messages which were not "fully honest".  I shudder to think what instructions British diplomats receive nowadays.

As Goebbels said, if you repeat lies often enough, people will eventually believe them.  What we might politely call the less well informed have got the message that the EU and its citizens are at least the opposition if not the enemy.  Being British and being European used to be practically the same thing.   Now, if not schizophrenic, we are divided, no longer Europeans together.  Signs at airports have already been changed.  Our EU passports are being taken away.  Now it is “them” and “us”.   Surely it is not surprising that there have been death threats, insults, questions asked - “when will you go home?” - and that my YouTube site on a Polish Saturday school was besmirched by someone naming himself after a SS war criminal telling the children “We know you Poles interbred with Jews and you should all now f… off”.  Many Brexiteers declare undying love for Europeans, but these are the side effects of their propaganda.  Putin has done very well destabilising Europe by supporting Assad, with the resulting flood of refugees into Greece, supporting Trump and now Boris.  You wonder whether the idea is to make it easier for the West to accept closer cooperation with Russia - is there another Yalta on the horizon?  How you experience all this depends on whether you are at the delivering end or the receiving end.  The human costs are incalculable and will last a long time.  

Foreigners are not that stupid and people in the rest of Europe also watch TV, read newspapers and use the internet.  Brexiteers may get away with a condescending attitude to East Europeans, but nations such as the French and Germans consider themselves as advanced as the English.  They used to love the British, wanted them in the EU and are still rather bemused.  But the penny is dropping that their feelings are not reciprocated.  They now remember De Gaulle’s veto: Britain displays "deep-seated hostility to Europe” and will not forget.  Some EU leaders are beginning to feel, to paraphrase US President Lyndon Johnson, that “it is better to have the Brits outside the tent pissing in, than inside the tent, also pissing in”.

Pope Francis defined populism as the exploitation of the selfishness and hate of the electorate by politicians for their own ends.  Like Trump, who sometimes behaves as the Enemy not Leader of the Free World, Boris seems to have reversed the words of St Francis of Assisi: “where there is peace, let me bring conflict; where there is love, let me sow hatred; where there is pardon, injury; where there is union, discord…..”   Then, as the London Troy exhibition quotes Homer’s Iliad: “Discord, only a slight thing when she first rears her head, but her head soon hits the sky as she strides across the earth.”  Or, in Jeremy Clarkson’s more earthy words (Sunday Times, 3rd July 2016): “live for ever in a festering nest of warts, mud and minority bashing”.  Last time hate and trade wars led to the Second World War.  Is this how the next generation will be brought up?

We should continue supporting defence groups like the3million and British-in-Europe, and anyone fighting Brexit, but the future looks bleak. 

I give up on UK politics but not on my lovely British friends.  I love Britain but not those behind this hateful project.


Syrian refugees


Jan Ledóchowski
7th December, updated
Friday 13th December


P.S. Around 100,000 Poles, over 10% of the total, are said to have returned recently.  The prospect of registering to stay on in the UK did not appeal that much.





Demand Another Vote

Click here to sign the petition calling for a second vote.

Over 100,000 people demanded a vote on 23rd June 2018. Watch them in Parliament Square.

Send a clear and simple message:
"You can shove your Brexit".



50,000 people marched in London on 2 July 2016*.
100,000 marched on 25th March 2017.
100,000+ marched on 23rd June 2018.

London 20160702

Prosecute the Liars

Help crowd fund the prosecution of dishonest Brexiteer politicians. This action is being supported by Lord Alan Sugar, Richard Corbett MEP and others. This should be fun*



Keep Fighting

Theresa May, having been appointed (but not elected) Prime Minister when it became utterly clear how incapable the lying Brexiteer leaders such as Boris Johnson and Michael Gove would be to lead the country, was nevertheless overcome by the "people have spoken" mantra.

MarginBut the people did not speak. The Brexiteers spoke lies and the people voted for those lies by a very narrow margin."*

The most shameful and disgusting event in British history since betraying Eastern Europe to Stalin at Yalta in 1945 has come to pass. Britain's influence and reputation in Europe are at a low ebb. Everyone in the UK is due to lose their European citizenship. Hate and division are on the rise.

If British jingoists considered it their mission to reduce Germany's influence in Europe, then now, in the words of Michael Heseltine, they have handed Europe over to Germany.

There will be more votes in the House of Commons.


Lobby your MP

Brexit bad**

No article 50● Send a message to your MP. Click here for the "Write to them" website. Type in your postcode, click Go, scroll down to "Your MP", click their name and type your message in the box. Tell them to Stop Brexit.

Send an email to your MP. Click here for their name and click here to find their email address.

● Post a hardcopy letter. Your MP's address is The House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA*.

You MUST include your name, home address and postcode.

Get your friends to help

Persuade them to protest and to lobby their MPs*.

Email this web link www.ledochowski.eu/stopbrexit to your friends and post it on Facebook pages!


Join pro-unity movements

Join or at least support pro-European organisations such as Best for Britain, the European Movement and/or Britain for Europe. MoreUnited.uk supports progressive pro-European MPs and Vote for Europe aims to endorse just one pro-EU MP from any party at the next election. The Liberal Democrats are the only party worth supporting at present. But you should support your local Labour or Conservative MPs if they have a strong pro-European voting record despite the lamentable behaviour of their leaders.


Sign Petitions

Keep up the pressure by signing petitions

● Click here to sign the petition calling for a second vote.

To give British citizens overseas the right to vote.

For an independent regulator to ensure truth in political advertising. And to make it illegal for politicians knowingly to lie or mislead*.

Stop racism● For the single market campaign and London, which wants to remain in the EU. Support Sadiq Kahn, who is trying to keep London in the single market. London's future is vital for the economy as it contributes 30% of the nation's taxes.

Protect the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.

To guarantee the rights of EU NHS staff, including 10% of doctors, who help shorten patient queues.


Articles & Videos

My article on why the EU should also reform.

Ian Hislop, editor of Private Eye: after a general election the opposition continues functioning (2.8m views)

My speech at the 2 July March for Europe (2 mins.)

Film about the March (10 mins.) All speeches, including Bob Geldof, MadeleinaTim Farron, Lib Dem leader, and David Lammy, Labour MP (77 mins.)

Madeleina Kay (Alba White Wolf)* song for Boris Johnson (4 mins.)

Geoffrey Robinson on How to Stop Brexit

Why I voted for the UK to Remain

EU citizens unfairly attacked by Leave

Boris Johnson hears he won the EU referendum (4 mins.)

Yes Minister on European Diplomacy (2 mins.)

The European Convention on Human Rights (4 mins.)

The Sunday Times published a generous article by Andrew Marr on Polish immigration to Britain on 28th August.

Over 100,000 people demanded a vote on 23rd June 2018. Watch them in Parliament Square.

"You can shove your Brexit".

* Photo taken at London demonstrations 2 & 23 July 2016
** The Economist covers, 2 July & 27 February 2016


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